Sep 10, 2024
3 min read

Reducing Data Loss and Data Breaches with RBAC and the Principle of Least Privilege

Reducing Data Loss and Data Breaches with RBAC and the Principle of Least Privilege

Protecting sensitive data and systems should be a priority for every organization. Two key security strategies that undoubtedly increase the security posture are the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). Let's take a look at what these are, their benefits and some things you can do to get started.

What is the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP)

The Principle of Least Privilege is a cybersecurity best practice that ensures users, systems, and applications have only the minimum access necessary to perform their duties. By limiting access rights, you reduce the risk of operator errors and internal misuse, while also limiting the damage in case of an account or data breach.

Key Benefits of the Principle of Least Privilege  

  • Reduced Attack Surface: With fewer control points, attackers have less room to navigate or manipulate systems.
  • Minimized Insider Threats: Restricting access helps mitigate risks from both accidental (user error) and intentional internal misuse (malicious insider).
  • Prevention of Lateral Movement: Should a breach occur, PoLP makes it harder for attackers to move across your systems.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Many industry regulations, like HIPAA via their Minimum Necessary Standard, require organizations to implement least privilege access controls.

A basic example of PoLP - Let's say you have a team of salespeople, and their job is to input customer orders. According to PoLP, they should only have access to the parts of the accounting software that let them input orders, but not access the company's financial records or payroll information.

What is Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

RBAC builds on the PoLP concept by organizing access rights around predefined roles rather than individual users. This allows you to efficiently manage access based on responsibilities, ensuring that everyone has only what they need to perform their duties.

Key Features of  Role-Based Access Control

  • Role Definition: Roles are created based on the functions and responsibilities.
  • Permission Assignment: Each role is assigned specific permissions that reflect the tasks associated with that role.
  • User Assignment: Users are placed into roles that match their job functions, this streamlines access management.
  • Granular Control: With RBAC, access control is fine-tuned, making it easier to manage who has access to what across large teams.

A basic example of RBAC - users are assigned roles like Employee, Manager, or Admin, each with specific permissions. For example, an Employee can view their timesheet, a Manager can approve timesheets, and an Admin has full system access.

Implementing PoLP and RBAC

To fully leverage the benefits of PoLP and RBAC, here is how to get started:

  1. Conduct a Privilege Audit: Identify where access rights can be reduced and eliminate unnecessary privileges. Look beyond your legacy systems, make sure you include any SaaS applications in use within your organization.
  2. Define Roles and Permissions: Establish clear roles based on job functions, and assign permissions accordingly.
  3. Investigate Privileged Access Management (PAM): This helps manage and monitor access to sensitive accounts as well as provide functionality such as just-in-time access to critical resources or functions.
  4. Regularly Review and Adjust Access: Continuously audit and update roles to maintain the least privilege.

How Alcion supports Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Alcion offers predefined roles for both tenants and the partner portal, which control the level of access for different users.

Tenant-Level Roles

At the tenant level, the available roles are Admin, Backup Operator, and Viewer. Each role defines the operations a user can perform:

  • Admin: Full access to view resources, manage backups, configure protection policies, restore/export backups, manage users, and handle subscription/billing.
  • Backup Operator: Can view stats, manage backups, and handle protection policies, but lacks access to restore/export backups or manage users.
  • Viewer: Read-only access to view resources and activity, without any modification rights.

Partner Roles

For the Partner Portal, roles include Admin, Tenant Operator, and Viewer:

  • Admin: Full control over managing tenants, billing, and user management.
  • Tenant Operator: Can view stats and access tenants but cannot manage users or subscription details.
  • Viewer: Read-only access to tenants and stats, with no further permissions.

Partner Role Scoping

  • Tenant Operator roles can be scoped to specific tenants, allowing partners to align staff to access based on responsibility.

This RBAC functionality allows Alcion users and partners to manage permissions effectively, ensuring that access levels for any user can be aligned with the principle of least privilege.

For a comprehensive understanding of Alcion's RBAC capabilities, you can refer to our detailed Role-Based Access Control documentation.

Implementing RBAC in Alcion: Step-by-Step Guides

To help you better understand and implement Role-Based Access Control in Alcion, we've prepared two detailed video guides.

For Microsoft 365 Administrators

This video provides a comprehensive walkthrough on how to implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for your Microsoft 365 backups using Alcion. Learn how to efficiently manage user permissions, ensuring the right people have the right level of access to your backup data.

For Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

See how to implement Partner-Level Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Microsoft 365 backups. Discover how to manage permissions across multiple client tenants, streamline your operations, and enhance security for your clients' data.

In summary

By implementing both the PoLP best practice and leveraging RBAC, organizations can significantly improve their security posture, and reduce the risk of breaches, and data loss all while streamlining access management.

Alcion takes these security principles to heart, offering a robust RBAC system within its backup solution. By combining advanced security features with AI-driven backup capabilities, Alcion provides a comprehensive approach to protecting your Microsoft 365 data.

Ready to see how Alcion can enhance your security strategy while simplifying your Microsoft 365 backup processes? Start your 14-day free trial today and experience firsthand how our user-friendly, security-focused solution can transform your data protection approach. Alternatively, if you'd like a personalized walkthrough of how Alcion can meet your specific needs, schedule a demo with our expert team.

Ben Young
Ben Young
Technology Evangelist

Ben Young is a Technology Evangelist at Alcion with over ten years of experience in the Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Cloud Service Provider (CSP) markets. He's an expert in using APIs to automate complex tasks and integrate different technologies. His skills are recognized internationally, and he shares his knowledge through writing and speaking engagements. His passion is showcasing the art of the possible and being a product champion.